This and That

What’s with the brown spots?

Have you noticed a number of small dead spots in the grass around the Association? These spots are caused by dog urine, primarily from female dogs, as males don’t tend to use the middle of a grassy area to relieve themselves.

For those who own female dogs here are a few ideas for you to use; 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in your dog’s water will neutralize the acidity thus leaving no spots. There are also products available which help to alleviate this problem. Petsmart has Grass Saver by NaturVet, in liquid and tablet form, Grass Guard Wafers for Dogs, Green grass by NutriVet, and Lawn Saver from 21st Century. Petco has Grass Saver by NaturVet, in liquid and tablet form and Green grass by NutriVet. You may even wish to ask your Vet if he or she has something to suggest.

Co-operation of pet owners is appreciated in eliminating these spots so we have nice green grass and an even more attractive Association.

Here are some bits of information that we thought you might find interesting:

Reducing grease clogs in drains

What to do with old medications

Have you ever wondered about any of the activities that are going on in Longmont?

The City of Longmont has a website with all sorts of information from street repairs to town meetings and parades and ice skating. The site is Once on the site, there is a weekly newsletter available if you would like it to be e-mailed to you.